Archive for December, 2021

The end of the year sneaks up so incredibly fast. First, Thanksgiving comes up out of nowhere, and before you know it, it’s Christmas. This year, we went to see Pawpaw in Brookhaven. It’s always good going to Mississippi. I love that place. It’s so down to earth and quiet. The kids all had a great time playing outside in the wide open spaces. It was a quick trip though.

KLD is doing smashingly. Vincent and I built maybe two or three decks this month. I’ll end the year with around $210k in sales. Nothing compared to last year, but I’ll have made more money this year. Employees are a gigantic nightmare. Last year, I ended up hiring and firing about 12 or 14 guys. It’s really ridiculous trying to find good help. We’ve done some really awesome projects, and we’ve really got a good system going between the two of us. We built a 20′ x 24′ deck with a handrail for $12k in 6 business days.

Christmas was super fun this year. Charlotte is old enough now that she’s talking a lot more, and its easier to understand her. Mommy and I really enjoy seeing the looks on your faces when you come down and see your presents Christmas morning. Both kids got lots of great presents – not only from Santa, but from family and friends.

Mommy’s second foot surgery was today. It went very quick and easy compared to the first time. She’s been sleeping all day on the couch downstairs. Hopefully, she’ll never drive barefoot again lol.

Mason’s doing so good at jui jitsu! I’m so proud of him. He’s been sticking with it since Aug. 31st. I actually started going at the beginning of December haha. I think we’re both learning a lot. Mason especially, it’s teaching him a lot about life as well.

Things are going so great right now. Christmas break is coming to an end, but we’ve all had such a great time. I can’t believe how big Charlie is getting and how much she’s starting to talk. Don’t blink!

