Posts Tagged ‘Atlanta’

So, a teenager went on a shooting spree in a FedEx warehouse earlier today. Not a lot is known. Here’s what CNN has said:

Atlanta (CNN) — A FedEx package handler went on a shooting rampage early Tuesday at his workplace in suburban Atlanta, wounding six people before turning the gun on himself, officials said.

I happened upon a picture on the internet today. It’s a picture of the outside of the FedEx building with cops everywhere. There is also a sign in the background. The sign is a picture of a gun with a red circle and a slash meaning “No Guns.” Besides there being dozens of guns in the picture, I found the sign ironic.

ALL politics aside, I want you to think about that sign for a second. Who is that sign meant for? Think. Who in the world is that sign meant for? Let’s assume everybody. It’s meant for people that likes guns and people who don’t. It’s meant for people who have a Concealed Weapon Permit and people who don’t. It’s meant for people who can’t legally own firearms and people who can. It’s meant for everybody that enters that building. It’s meant for the boss, the supervisors, the package stackers, the truck drivers, the minimum wage teenager that gets there at 3 a.m. and leaves at noon. There are no exceptions on the sign. There are no exceptions on the sign for police officers. There are no exceptions on the sign for military personnel (ignore for a moment that police can carry guns anywhere in the country and military personnel are basically civilians even in uniform). There are no exceptions on the sign for murders.

Now that we’ve talked about the sign and it’s purpose, let’s talk about how this incident still happened – despite the sign. Assume for a moment that 100% of the 100 (for example) people in the building followed the rule of the sign. Let’s assume there are NO guns or weapons of any kind in the building prior to the shooter entering the building. Now, at 5:50 a.m., when 9-1-1 calls starting coming in, there was a man in the building with guns.

But didn’t he see the sign?


Well. This is a really unfortunate situation. 100 people followed the rules. It’s an extremely important rule. NO GUNS. That way, nobody will get shot or killed. However, this wasn’t an accident. Therefore, the sign was not an added safety level. Just like keeping your finger straight and off the trigger, just like keeping your firearm on safe until ready to fire, just like never pointing your weapon at anything you don’t intend to shoot, the sign is a safety level.

It can never stop anyone from bringing a gun onto a property. A sign can never stop somebody from committing a crime when they came to work with the sole intent of murdering co-workers. However, the sign had a 100% success rate up until 5:50 a.m. It successfully stopped 100 people from having guns to defend themselves. Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of ways to stop a shooting in progress if you don’t also have a gun. You can run, you can hide. You can try and sneak up on him to wrestle the guns away. You can call the police to come with their guns. See what I’m getting at?

I want to start a national boycott on ‘No Gun’ signs. Obviously, the signs are completely worthless. When displayed, the only people that follow the rules are people who don’t trust themselves with carrying a concealed weapon anyway. Many of my friends admit to carrying firearms into establishments despite their silly signs. Murders obviously don’t following the rules written on signs. Might as well not have a sign, let the Concealed Carry Permit holders have their guns. Let the people scared of holding, seeing, talking about (let alone carrying a gun) continue to not carry a concealed firearm. The murders will obviously do what they want. Ban all ‘No Guns’ signs – especially in States that have Concealed Weapon Permits. The sign tells people that establishment doesn’t care what State law says.

That’s not politics. It’s simple black and white. It’s time for real, mean talk. Signs only work on stupid people that can’t think for themselves. If you value you’re life, you won’t listen to a sign. If you worry about getting fired if caught and you leave your gun in your truck – you’re suicidal. Signs don’t stop the people that need to be stopped. All others are ill-relevant.

CNN update about shooting victims.